Feeling Drained? 5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy and Immunity This Fall

Feeling Drained? 5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy and Immunity This Fall

Navigating Fall: Embracing Cozy Vibes Amidst Chaos

I want to love fall. I really do. But as soon as it starts to roll around, I always find myself torn between embracing the cozy vibes and feeling completely overwhelmed. School’s back in session, the holidays are creeping up, and somehow the days feel shorter while my to-do list just keeps getting longer.

A couple of years ago (back when I only had one kiddo!), I remember having one of those days—you know, the kind where you wake up already feeling tired, and the demands of life hit you before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee (which I don’t even drink anyway!). I was scrambling to get Big Sis to school on time, juggle work deadlines, and manage a million little tasks. By the end of the day, I felt completely zapped of energy.

I vividly remember sitting down on the couch that evening, utterly exhausted, and thinking, Is this really how I’m supposed to feel all the time? How am I this wiped out with just one kid? How do those other supermoms add EVEN MORE to their plates and still survive?! Like so many moms, I had gotten used to feeling worn out and assumed it was just part of the deal. But deep down, I knew something needed to change because I couldn’t see how I could keep going, let alone add anything else to our life.

That moment led me to rethink how I was taking care of myself—not with a big overhaul, but with small, sustainable steps that helped me feel just a little better each day. And over time, those small changes—whether it was adding a quick morning walk, making better food choices, or using a simple immunity boost—really started to make a difference.

Sitting on that couch, I didn’t have the energy or headspace to think about making any big, meaningful changes. I was too tired, too burnt out, and honestly, a little too jaded to believe that lasting, effective change was even possible. Everyone around me—both in real life and online—seemed fully subscribed to this hustle culture. It was a constant cycle of being busy, running on empty, and always chasing the next big thing.

But I started to think, What if making just one small change could make a difference? Maybe it wouldn’t fix everything, but if it helped me wake up feeling a little more rested or gave me enough energy to actually play with my kiddo at the park in the afternoon, wouldn’t it be worth it? That’s when I realized that small shifts here and there might be the answer I was looking for.


1. Start Your Day with an Energy Boost

As someone who’s always been repelled by the smell and taste of coffee, caffeine was never a part of my life—until I had kids. Once I experienced the sheer exhaustion and sleepless nights that come with parenting, I gave in to caffeine to survive the day. I tried different energy drinks and caffeinated beverages, but quickly realized they weren’t the healthiest options, and they weren’t doing me any favors in the long run. The extreme amounts of caffeine and questionable ingredients left me feeling jittery and crashing hard later.

I wanted something cleaner that could still give me that little boost I needed, and that’s when I discovered Arbonne’s Energy Fizz. It’s refreshing, quick, and gives me that gentle pick-me-up without the crash. Plus, it’s packed with vitamins to support my immune system, so it’s doing more than just keeping me awake. It’s such an easy habit to build into my morning, and I love how it helps set a positive tone for the rest of my day.

2. Go for a Short, Energizing Walk

When life feels overwhelming, exercise often feels like the last thing you have time for. But I discovered that even a quick 10-minute walk can completely shift my mood and energy. Just stepping away for some fresh air and light movement does wonders for clearing my mind and getting my blood flowing. It’s amazing how something so small can make such a big difference. The best part? It can be done anywhere—inside, outside, with friends, or solo—and it costs nothing. It’s one of those simple, no-pressure habits that can fit into even the busiest day and still help you feel so much better.

3. Stay Hydrated

We all know we should drink more water, but it’s one of those things that’s easy to overlook. Staying hydrated has made a noticeable difference in how energized and focused I feel throughout the day. I keep a water bottle nearby (this one’s my current fave, especially with the "chug" lid—affiliate link) to remind myself to sip often. Staying hydrated helps your body function its best and keeps your energy levels steady, especially when life gets busy.

4. Eat for Energy and Immunity

After my postpartum hormones finally began to level out (at least somewhat), I still found myself dealing with lingering symptoms that didn’t quite make sense. That’s when I decided to give the Whole30 diet a try. It was my first real experience with being intentional about not only what I was eating but also paying attention to the actual ingredients in my food, even down to the dressings and seasonings. While I didn’t overhaul my diet overnight, it was my introduction to thinking of food as both fuel and medicine—and realizing that what I was eating affected far more than just my hunger.

Now, nearly five years later, I still enjoy delicious meals as much as ever, but I’m much more conscious of the power of food and ingredients, and I use that knowledge to my advantage. Focusing on gut health and eating whole, real foods has made a noticeable difference in how I feel day-to-day. It’s all about making small, simple changes at a pace that works for you. It’s not about being perfect—it’s about making smarter choices where you can and seeing how those little shifts add up to feeling your best.

5. Try Cold Exposure

I’ll admit, this one might sound a little intense at first, but cold exposure has been a game-changer for me. Whether it’s a quick cold shower or a few minutes in an ice bath, it wakes me up like nothing else and clears the mental fog for hours afterward. It’s one of those things that’s hard to explain until you try it, but I promise, it’s worth a shot if you’re feeling sluggish! This podcast gives a great overview and scientific detail about cold exposure and it's a great jumping off point if you're looking for more information. 


Small Shifts, Lasting Change: Energize Your Fall

As the days get shorter and the pace of life picks up, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But remember, you don’t need a complete overhaul to start feeling better. By incorporating small changes into your daily routine—whether it’s starting your day with a refreshing energy boost, taking a short walk, staying hydrated, eating mindfully, or even trying a bit of cold exposure—you can gradually transform your energy levels and overall well-being.

It’s all about finding what works for you and making those tiny shifts that can lead to lasting change. So this fall, let’s embrace the cozy vibes without getting lost in the chaos. You deserve to feel energized and vibrant, and it starts with taking those first small steps.

Let me know what small change you plan to try this week—I’d love to hear about your journey!

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